In 2012, the ACR formed a Strategic Planning Task Force to update the ACR’s strategic plan. The task force reviewed the current plan and updated the areas of focus in order for the ACR to fulfill its mission to advance rheumatology.
The Strategic Planning Task Force was co-chaired by Sharad Lakhanpal, MD, clinical professor of internal medicine at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, and William Harvey, MD, assistant professor of medicine at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Drs. Lakhanpal and Harvey compiled a diverse group of volunteers to ensure that all areas of the ACR would be represented during the planning process. The other members of the task force included volunteers from the executive committee, committee chairs, committee members, and other members at large.
The planning process included creating and distributing a survey of the ACR membership asking for their thoughts on what issues would have the greatest impact on the field of rheumatology and in their practices over the next three years, as well as what the ACR should address in the next one to three years to sustain its success. Using the feedback provided by the membership, seven key issues were identified: healthcare economics, rheumatology practice, quality patient care, research, education, workforce, and organization. These seven areas were presented to 120 volunteers representing a cross-section of the ACR for brainstorming and recommendations during the annual Leadership Development Conference held on January 26, 2013, in Atlanta.
Using the data gleaned from membership surveys, leadership development conference results, and reports from standing committees and task forces, the Strategic Planning Task Force met in February with a facilitator to compile the final recommended plan for the future of the ACR. This plan was approved by the ACR board of directors at their February 2013 meeting. More information about the new 2013–2016 strategic plan will be sent to the membership in the coming weeks.
Now that the 2013–2016 ACR strategic plan has been approved, volunteers will implement the plan and continue to help the ACR advance rheumatology. We are looking for new volunteers to help achieve our mission. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, nominations are now being accepted. Visit to find more information and submit an application to become a volunteer of the ACR.