In November, RheumPAC will once again be conducting a matching campaign throughout the month and coinciding with ACR Convergence 2022.
During this time, all donations to RheumPAC will be amplified by RheumPAC champions, who will match various dollar amounts for each contribution. Many champions will donate an additional, large sum for each first-time investor. Last year, matching funds were $99 for each donation by a returning donor and $262 for each first-time donor. As a result, RheumPAC was able to raise more than $26,000 in just that one month. Thanks to our matching donors, this is the best time to make your yearly investment in RheumPAC.
There is a lot at stake before the end of the year when it comes to the ACR’s policy priorities. The College’s advocacy team and volunteer leaders are focusing their efforts on supporting legislative solutions to address impending Medicare reimbursement cuts and reform the prior authorization process in Medicare Advantage. Help the ACR get these legislative priorities addressed during the 117th Congress and prepare to start the 118th Congress strong in January. Here are a few ways you can support these efforts.
- During November, make an investment at or in person at ACR Convergence 2022. If you have not made your 2022 donation yet, this is the best time to do it. If you are already a current supporter, tack on a little extra. Even a small donation of $5-10 will be amplified and turned into more than $100.
- Sign up to be one of our RheumPAC Matching Champions. Pledge an amount for every contribution made by a returning or first-time donor. You can cap your maximum if you’d like. Contact for more information.
- Lastly and most importantly, tell your colleagues to play an active role and invest in RheumPAC. Small donations add up quickly. Get your entire practice or division to invest and let RheumPAC work on their behalf.
Donor Appreciation Events at ACR Convergence 2022
RheumPAC will be hosting two donor appreciation events to celebrate individuals’ commitments to rheumatology advocacy efforts during ACR Convergence 2022. To attend, you must RSVP. Email invitations to donors at the Silver level and above have already been sent out. Check your inbox or reach out to if you believe you qualify and have not received an invitation. You can also still make your donation at the Silver level or higher to receive an invitation.