The ACR has released two new publications—recommendations aimed at improving the treatment of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and new classification criteria for gout.
Recommendations for Management of PMR
The new PMR guidelines, released by the ACR in collaboration with the European League Against Rheumatism, are the first international recommendations for the screening, treatment and management of PMR. These recommendations are based on current evidence and thinking in the field of PMR management, with a particular emphasis on patients’ perspectives. They also inform primary, secondary and tertiary care physicians about international consensus on the management of PMR.
Introduction of Robust Gout Criteria
The new gout classification criteria, released by the ACR in collaboration with the European League Against Rheumatism, represent an international collaborative effort to define the important disease features that are useful in classifying patient symptoms caused by gout. Ultimately, the classification criteria provide a structure that will facilitate a better understanding of the disease and its course, and expedite development of new therapies and clinical trials.
Read the press release to learn more.