The ACR would like to congratulate all the 2014 Awards of Distinction recipients, the 2014 Class of Masters and the 2014 ARHP Merit and Lifetime Achievement Awards recipients. An awards ceremony was held immediately preceding the opening lecture of the 2014 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting in Boston. Help us congratulate all of the 2014 award recipients and Masters, with a special thank you to everyone who nominated a colleague.
ACR Awards of Distinction
Presidential Gold Medal
The highest award the ACR can bestow, the Presidential Gold Medal is awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in rheumatology over an entire career. Established by the past presidents of the ACR, candidates will have made important contributions in multiple areas such as clinical medicine, research, education or administration. Funding support for this award of distinction is provided by the Rheumatology Research Foundation.
Recipient: Joseph D. Croft Jr., MD, MACR
Georgetown University Medical School
Washington, D.C.
Distinguished Basic Investigator Award
Awarded to a basic scientist making outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology.
Recipient: George C. Tsokos, MD Harvard Medical School
Distinguished Clinician Scholar Award
Awarded to a rheumatologist who has made outstanding contributions in clinical medicine, clinical scholarship or education.
Recipient: Murray H. Passo, MD
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, S.C.
Henry Kunkel Young Investigator Award
Awarded to a young physician scientist, age 45 or younger, who has made outstanding and promising independent contributions to basic or clinical research in the field of rheumatology.
Recipient: Kevin D. Deane, MD, PhD
University of Colorado School of Medicine
Aurora, Colo.
Recipient: Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Boston University Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Boston
Distinguished Clinical Investigator Award
Given to a clinical scientist making outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology.
Recipient: Graciela S. Alarcón, MD, MPH, MACR
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Ala.
Paulding Phelps Award
Given to a clinical rheumatologist for outstanding service to patients, community and the practice of medicine.
Recipient: Herbert S. B. Baraf, MD, MACR
Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates
Wheaton, Md.
Distinguished Service Award
Given to an ACR member for outstanding and sustained service to the ACR.
Recipient: Robert A. Yood, MD
Reliant Medical Group and Saint Vincent Hospital
Worcester, Mass.
Distinguished Fellowship Program Director Award
Given to a current or former rheumatology program director that has made outstanding contributions in the mentoring and training of future rheumatologists.
Recipient: David D. Sherry, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Excellence in Investigative Mentoring Award
The Excellence in Investigative Mentoring Award recognizes the importance of the mentor/mentee relationship. A dedicated mentor can significantly influence the successful development and career of a mentee. This award honors an active ACR or ARHP member for their contributions to the rheumatology profession through outstanding and ongoing mentoring. Funding support for this award of distinction is provided by the Rheumatology Research Foundation.
Recipient: Earl D. Silverman, MD
The Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2014 ACR Masters
Recognition as a Master of the ACR is one of the highest honors the ACR bestows on a member. This distinction is given to members, age 65 or older, who have made outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology through scholarly achievement and/or service to their patients, students and profession. Since 1987, the ACR has honored over 300 exceptional leaders in the field of rheumatology as Masters. This year’s Masters are:
Steven B. Abramson, MD
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York
Stefano Bombardieri, MD
University of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
Betty A. Diamond, MD
Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
Manhasset, N.Y.
Abraham García Kutzbach, MD
Francisco Marroquín University
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Allan Gibofsky, MD, JD
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
New York
Emilio B. Gonzalez, MD
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, Texas
Wolfgang L. Gross, MD
University of Lübeck
Lübeck, Germany
Loïc P. Guillevin, MD
Hospital Cochin-Paris University
Paris, France
Edward B. Herzig, MD
Mercy Health Physicians
Fairfield, Ohio
Marc C. Hochberg, MD, MPH
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Luis J. Jara, MD
Hospital de Especialidades Centro Médico La Raza
Mexico City, Mexico
Robert S. Katz, MD
Rheumatology Associates, S.C.
Brian L. Kotzin, MD
Amgen, Inc.
Thousand Oaks, Calif.
W. Joseph McCune, MD
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Mich.
PierLuigi Meroni, MD
University of Milan
Milan, Italy
Robert I. Morris, MD
Rheumatology Diagnostics Laboratory, Inc.
Los Angeles
William R. Palmer, MD
Westroads Medical Group
Omaha, Neb.
Jean-Pierre Pelletier, MD
University of Montreal Hospital Centre
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Michael C. Schweitz, MD
Arthritis & Rheumatology Associates of Palm Beach
West Palm Beach, Fla.
Richard M. Silver, MD
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, S.C.
Gordon A. Starkebaum, MD
University of Washington
Virginia D. Steen, MD
Georgetown University Medical Center
Washington, D.C.
2014 ARHP Merit & Appreciation Awards
ARHP Addie Thomas Service Award
The ARHP Addie Thomas Service Award is presented in honor of the Association’s first president and recognizes individuals who have been active volunteers involved with local, regional and national arthritis-related activities.
Recipient: Linda S. Ehrlich-Jones, PhD, RN
Rehabilitation Institute Chicago
ARHP Distinguished Scholar Award
Presented to an individual who demonstrates exceptional achievements in scholarly activities pertinent to arthritis and rheumatic diseases.
Recipient: Dorothy D. Dunlop, PhD
Northwestern University
ARHP Ann Kunkel Advocacy Award
Presented to an ARHP member who has provided extraordinary service to advocate for patients with arthritis/rheumatic diseases or for health professionals in rheumatology.
Recipient: Nancy A. Baker, ScD, MPH, OTR/L
University of Pittsburgh
ARHP Distinguished Clinician Award
Presented to an individual who is engaged in clinical practice and demonstrates outstanding clinical expertise in arthritis and the rheumatic diseases.
Recipient: Marie D. Westby, PT, PhD
Mary Pack Arthritis Centre
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
ARHP Distinguished Educator Award
Presented to an ARHP member who has demonstrated sustained excellence in teaching of health professional students, medical students, residents, graduate students and/or fellows, with their primary focus being rheumatology-related content.
Recipient: Janet L. Poole, PhD, OTR
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, N.M.
ARHP Lifetime Achievement Award
This award is the highest honor that the ARHP bestows. The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a current or former member of ARHP whose career has demonstrated a sustained and lasting contribution to the field of rheumatology and rheumatology health professionals.
Recipient: Leigh F. Callahan, PhD
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, N.C.
President’s Award
Awarded to the ACR/ARHP member or team performing outstanding service within the present year in advancing the goals, ideals and standards of ARHP.
Recipient: Afton L. Hassett, PsyD
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Graduate Student Award
Awarded to the top graduate student research or clinical project proposals in the field of rheumatology.
Recipient: Patricia L. McMahon, NP
Good Samaritan College of Nursing & Health
Science, Cincinnati, Ohio
Recipient: Kristina A. Theis, BA, MA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention