We do not know what will come with the transition to 90% telemedicine regarding jobs. Salaries may be reduced, but this is unknown yet. Telemedicine had been stressful from a logistics and practical standpoint. There was not much guidance initially, but BSMH was rapid and efficient in activating the telemedicine encounters via our electronic medical record, Epic, and they have been supportive with this transition. Patients are being called and screened prior to their appointments, and they’re rescheduled if ill or exposed and/or redirected to appropriate clinic/screening services. Our workflow is developing, and efficiency is improving. Patients are being seen and accommodated readily, which is not affecting patient care.
I am happy and proud to work for BSMH, because they have rallied the troops with good leadership. Mentally, it’s business as usual as we are trained to adapt to change. Emotionally, it has been stressful. Access to patient care has not been disrupted, and that is the ultimate goal.
Susan Bernstein is a freelance journalist based in Atlanta.