For the 2024 Image Competition, the ACR sought images with educational or remarkable manifestations representing a diverse range of pediatric patients with autoimmune, inflammatory, infectious and malignant drivers of rheumatic disease. Here, we showcase the winning images from the Middle East and North Africa.
Lipoma Arborescens Revealed
A 10-year-old boy, presented with a five-year history of recurrent right knee pain and swelling, associated with mildly elevated inflammatory markers. Ultrasound of the right knee demonstrated a lobulated echogenic mass with frond-like projections in the suprapatellar region with joint effusion (A). The sagittal view magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI) showed a suprapatellar heterogenous high signal mass at the suprapatellar pouch with frond-like projections (B). This mass was suppressed in the fat saturated MRI reflecting the fat component of the lesion surrounded by a hyperintense effusion (C) characteristic of lipoma arborescens.
Learn More
For information about juvenile idiopathic arthritis, read our coverage of the ACR’s most current guidelines, “2 New Clinical Practice Guidelines for JIA Released”.
Noor Alanni, BAO, MB, MBChB, is a physician in Doha, Qatar.
About the Contest
The Rheumatology Image Library is a highly accessed teaching resource, and images from the ACR’s annual contest are added to it, helping keep it dynamic and current. Look for the Best Overall and regional winners in future issues and on our website.