The ACR introduces and cosponsors resolutions at AMA meetings based on its positions and policies and the work of key ACR committees and the board of directors. Members of the ACR delegation to the AMA House of Delegates are Gary Bryant, MD, FACP (delegate and delegation chair), Eileen Moynihan, MD (delegate), Colin Edgerton, MD, FACP, RhMSUS (alternate delegate), and Cristina Arriens, MD (alternate delegate and Young Physicians Section representative).
Members of the ACR are asked to help advance these rheumatology issues by joining the AMA and renewing their AMA memberships each year. Rheumatology’s voice at the House of Delegates meeting is determined by how many ACR members are also members of the AMA, so every ACR member who joins the AMA adds to the strength of this effort. Join AMA or renew your membership before the end of 2019 to receive valuable membership benefits and help advance rheumatology. You can also visit the ACR’s Legislative Action Center to take action on other advocacy campaigns.
Adam Cooper is the senior director of government affairs for the ACR.