Join the AMA (I Really Mean It)!
The American Medical Association’s House of Delegates voted recently to approve the ACR’s resolution asking the federal government to allow international physicians to have visas processed quickly so they can take care of underserved U.S. patients. Subsequently, the Trump administration made the requested changes just in time for physicians finishing training to apply. The ACR’s ability to propose resolutions on issues related to patient care, our workforce shortage, reimbursement, administrative hassles, etc. is contingent upon having enough ACR members join the AMA. Go here to join or renew your AMA membership.
Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to invest in RheumPAC and make your voice heard on Capitol Hill.
Angus Worthing, MD, FACP, FACR, Chair, Government Affairs Committee, is a practicing rheumatologist in the Washington, D.C., metro area and clinical assistant professor of medicine at Georgetown University.