The ACR co-sponsored Resolution 505 along with the dermatology caucus members regarding the difficulties rheumatologists often face obtaining coverage for patients for off-label use of medications. The HOD amended current policies and resolved to advocate that the FDA work to establish a process whereby the official drug labeling can be updated in a more expeditious fashion when new evidence becomes available affecting the clinical use of prescription medications, and that evidence-based standards or peer-reviewed medical literature can add to legacy information contained in official drug labeling statements to guide drug administration and usage.
In another effort with the dermatology caucus, we sponsored Resolution 702 regarding Access to In-Office Administered Drugs. This strengthens AMA policy that we had previously brought forward regarding this issue.
These are just a few examples of what the ACR is doing for you at the AMA. The ACR’s activity and impact at the AMA HOD is possible only because of ACR members who are also AMA members. It’s important that rheumatologists take a moment today to join or renew their AMA membership to allow this work to continue and to keep the ACR part of the AMA federation. It’s a critical piece of our overall advocacy strategy, and we thank you for your help. Call the AMA at 800-262-3211, or contact ACR staff at [email protected] for assistance with your AMA membership.