Timothy Laing, MD, is a member of the rheumatology faculty at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where he also serves as the vice chair for clinical programs in the department of internal medicine. He is also a faculty group practice board member and chairs the clinical practice committee. Previously, Dr. Laing served a term on the Michigan State board of medicine as well as the Michigan Broadband Development Board. Within the ACR, he has been a member of the Committee on Rheumatologic Care and RheumPAC. He also serves as the ACR representative to the American Medical Association Relative Value Update Committee.
For the last three years, Dr. Laing has served as chair of the Government Affairs Committee. During his term on the ACR board of directors, Dr. Laing would like to see the ACR make concrete gains in the areas of “fair and sustainable payment reform that recognizes the value of clinical rheumatology, and support for research.” Dr. Laing hopes to achieve these challenging goals by focusing on “volunteerism, financial strength, professional alliances, and an even stronger partnership with the Arthritis Foundation.” He describes his experience as a volunteer as being highly rewarding on a personal level. “We have an outstanding society and I am very happy to part of it,” he says.
The ACR board of directors is composed of 19 voting members and two ex-officio members. Duties of the board include supervising, controlling, and directing the business and affairs of the ACR, its committees, and its publications; actively promoting the ACR’s purpose; and supervising the disbursement of its funds. To learn more about the ACR board of directors, visit www.rheumatology.org, click on “About the ACR” and then click on “Leadership.”