Register Now
Discover the latest in rheumatology at this year’s ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. Don’t delay, book your housing and register today. Visit www.ACRannualmeeting.org.
Let’s Get Better Acquainted—Annual Meeting Networking
Step out of your comfort zone and seek out opportunities to take advantage of the various social settings and networking activities planned to enhance your experience at this year’s annual meeting. Networking begins as a planned event with the objective of meeting people or making personal connections. The annual meeting brings the rheumatology community together in the premier event; all you have to do is seize the opportunity.
Think of the annual meeting as your opportunity to network with colleagues from around the world. Many of the most informative and impactful moments of the meeting take place in the one-on-one conversations and exchanges between colleagues, and even perfect strangers. Take advantage of the various social settings and planned networking activities to enhance your experience at this year’s annual meeting.
Post jobs, search jobs, and access a nationwide market of rheumatology employers and perspective employees. This resource is free to job seekers and cost effective for employers. Register for an exclusive opportunity to explore job openings in person at the annual meeting.
ACR/ARHP Champagne Reception
Sunday, October 27, 6:15–7:30 PM
Join us immediately following the opening lecture and awards as we toast the opening of the 2013 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting and salute you, our guests. Network with your colleagues before you enjoy an evening on your own in San Diego.
Study Groups
Monday, October 28, 6:45–8:00 PM
Tuesday, October 29, 1:00–2:00 PM
Many attendees find that Study Groups are perfect networking opportunities for physicians and health professionals with common interests in a particular disease, related disorder, or specialized field of study. These sessions are designed to help facilitate opportunities for attendees to not only learn from each other through discussion and exchange of information, but also to make connections with colleagues. Study Groups are open to everyone.
ARHP Networking Events
Networking Forum: Sunday, October 27, 12:30–2:15 PM
Networking at Noon: Monday, October 28, Noon–2:00 PM
These are lunchtime socials designed for health professionals to mix, mingle, and discuss topics of interest. The Networking Forum is designed to bring together attendees within discipline areas, while the ever-popular Networking at Noon utilizes facilitators to encourage participants to join in discussions on an array of hot topics. Lunch is provided on a first-come, first-served basis for both of these events.
Have Your Own Network?
Exhibitors, universities, government agencies, nonprofit entities, and ACR/ARHP members are eligible to host an Affiliate Event during the ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting. These events must be preapproved by the ACR and are subject to guidelines. You can also utilize the seating and lounge areas in the poster hall, exhibit hall, and attendee lounge to spark conversation on the latest research or technological advances. The Affiliate Event application deadline is Friday, October 11. For more details, visit www.ACRannual meeting.org/AffiliateEvents.