Call to Action
If opportunities are born from challenges, then our opportunities to improve patient access to rheumatologic care are overwhelmingly abundant. But to loosely quote Thomas Edison: Opportunities are missed because they are dressed in overalls and look like work. From my own experience, I can say the work of advocacy is absolutely worth the investment of time and effort. And of course, to quote again—many hands make light work.
I encourage every member of the ACR and ARP to become involved in the advocacy efforts of the ACR to help lighten the burden for our patients and for all of us who look after them. Each of us can truly make a difference.
Paula Marchetta, MD, MBA, is a rheumatologist in New York City and the CEO and managing partner of Concorde Medical Group, a multi-specialty private group practice affiliated with NYU Langone Health. She teaches at NYU School of Medicine, where she is a clinical professor. Dr. Marchetta is the 82nd ACR president.
FullbarRheumPAC Launches Access 2020 Campaign
You can make a big difference for rheumatology access, especially if you have never given to RheumPAC before. Pledge just $20 for the x2020 campaign cycle as part of the Access 2020 campaign. Learn more about the campaign and benefits at