The ACR is working toward the continuous and systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and adapting the industry’s best practices that will lead you and your practice to superior performance.
To that end, this month the ACR sent out the 2012 rolling benchmark survey to all U.S. ACR members and their practice administrators. This comprehensive study is being conducted to determine benchmarks for rheumatology in an era of increased numbers of uninsured and underinsured patients in the general population, increased chronic and musculoskeletal diseases, and an expanding population of aging citizens.
Our request for practice-management data is specific and detailed for information that will assist newly practicing rheumatologists and guide established practices on how to stay competitive in this changing market. This survey aims to identify potential problem areas in practice management, such as gaps in practice flow, and to establish best practices to improve your bottom line.
This survey will report on common products and services offered in rheumatology practices and the needs and expectations of rheumatology practices and staff, and will let you assess where your practice stands compared with similar practices in your region.
To collect comprehensive nationwide information regarding practice situations, including productivity, compensation, types of contracted arrangements, practice costs, and perceived workforce requirements, the survey is broken into two parts: one for physicians and the other for practice administrators or managers.
Physicians are asked to complete an online survey on areas such as productivity, clinical services offered, practice setting, and electronic health record functionality. Practice managers or administrators should report specific practice information such as hospital affiliations, services, and hours of operation.
A key feature of this new rolling benchmark survey is that you can compare local and national data after only 10 participants in your Medicare region complete the survey. Data will be collected and compared for rheumatologists in both academic settings and in private practice. Most recently, the 2009 economic study had over 300 respondents. Since this is a rolling benchmark survey, we hope to increase the quantity of participants each year and to provide the most up-to-date information on the website annually.
Take a few minutes to assist the ACR, which is undertaking this important effort on our profession’s behalf. Be assured that only nonfinancial information will be used by the ACR and that the confidentiality of your answers will be preserved.