These accomplishments have had, and will continue to have, a significant impact on the future of rheumatology. They each speak for themselves, loud and clear, but also serve to tell us in far more subtle ways about the character of the man under whose leadership they were developed: his integrity, his inclusivity, his strategic vision and intuitive ability to know which direction the College needed to go next.
Mark’s integrity inspired and informed the guiding principles upon which we have built trusted relationships with our corporate partners, who donate to the Foundation and support its research and education activities.
His inclusivity has extended not only to bringing ARP into the ACR tent, but also to our outreach to international organizations, developing a collegial relationship with the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR), and providing ACR staff to support ILAR and PANLAR (International League of Associations for Rheumatology and Pan American League of Associations for Rheumatology, respectively, of which we are members).
On the national front, Mark encouraged our active engagement with the National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, the American Medical Association and the Arthritis Foundation.
Further, he ensured the ACR would remain home to all constituencies residing within the house of rheumatology, from bench to translational researchers, community to academic practitioners, as well as the diverse range of rheumatology professionals. Our governance and committee structure evolved under his guidance to encompass a cross-sectional representation of our specialty, organized around ACR functions rather than around constituent groups. Thus, Mark enabled us to learn from each other across different aspects of our profession in a way that elevates and empowers us all.
The unique creation of this level of collegiality and respect for the views of others within our specialty flourished because of Mark’s own example—his ability to listen without judgment and his innate understanding of the value and richness that ensue from maintaining and protecting professional unity.