- Review requests will need to be submitted for each individual rendering National Provider Identifier (NPI) for each Tax Identification Number (TIN) under which the requestor submitted 2012 PQRS data. Groups that participated in the GPRO will need to have their main point of contact request an informal review for the TIN under which the GPRO submitted 2012 PQRS quality data codes or data.
- To submit the request, visit the Communication Support Page, https://www.qualitynet.org/portal/server.pt/community/commu nications_support_system/234, any time between now and February 28, 2014.
- Complete the mandatory fields in the online form. Each EP, point of contact, or support staff will need to complete the form in full or CMS will be unable to process the request. CMS or the QualityNet Help Desk may contact the requestor for additional information if necessary.
Additional Resources
Additional information and resources are available from the ACR. Please contact us at rcr@rheumatology.org.