If you are concerned that you or your partners will not be “qualified” to do MSK ultrasound, then go to the AIUM web site and see what it takes to get accredited, which will almost certainly be required in the future. In 2012, there will be a national examination in MSK to become a certified sonographer. There are also some free sites (sonoworld.com) that can help introduce you.
Brian J. Keroack, MD
Rheumatology Associates
Portland, Maine
Training Is Needed
The colleague asks how she and her colleagues can be confident that they produce a quality ultrasound that benefits her patients, and justifies the cost. The ACR is investigating the option of offering a certification pathway for providers in rheumatology. If such a certification were available for rheumatologists and allied healthcare providers, passing an examination and obtaining certification could help ensure that quality care is provided.
Ralf Thiele, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Allergy/Immunology and Rheumatology Division
University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry