“This meeting exceeded my expectations,” noted Dr. Calabrese, echoing the sentiments of Dr. Nasonov. “The quality of contemporaneous translation was superior and kept pace with the lively presentations and dialogue.”
The meeting was generously supported by unrestricted grants from UCB Pharma LLC and Medac GmbH.
In 2013, in response to an outreach from leadership within the ARR for direct collaboration with U.S. rheumatologists, RACER was established as a scientific and educational nonprofit organization. Plans are formulating for future symposia, as well as the development of ideas for collaboration on investigator-initiated trials with Russian and U.S. clinical scientists and sharing of online educational programs. For more information on RACER, visit www.racerlink.org.
Paul H. Caldron, DO, is the executive director of the Russian American Consortium for Excellence in Rheumatology and a clinical associate professor at Midwestern University, Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is a member of Arizona Arthritis and Rheumatology Associates PC. He has fellowships in both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Rheumatology.