The issue is whether you—each member of the ACR and the ARHP—will take a stand for rheumatology issues today. Visit for more information.
Dr. Engelbrecht is a rheumatologist in the Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease Center at the Black Hills Orthopedic and Spine Center in Rapid City, S.D., and a RheumPAC committee member.
Illinois Practice First for 100% RheumPAC Participation
Congratulations to the Illinois Bone and Joint Institute in Chicago for 100% RheumPAC participation in 2009!
The eight doctors in this practice made a generous contribution to RheumPAC, the ACR’s political action committee. The practice decided as a whole to donate because of their belief that the ACR needs to become more proactive in the political arena. According to Gerry Eisenberg, MD, a rheumatologist at the institute, “We realize that RheumPAC will increase the presence of rheumatology on Capitol Hill and want to ensure that the ACR is active in the healthcare debate.” RheumPAC assists the ACR in its advocacy efforts by providing more opportunities to meet with members of Congress and educate them on rheumatology-related issues. Supporting candidates fosters relationships and ensures the ACR is a contributor to important healthcare policy discussions.

If you are interested in learning more about RheumPAC, contact Katie Jones at (404) 633-3777 or [email protected].
Make a Difference—Visit the ACR’s Advocacy Booth
Stop by the ACR’s Advocacy Booth during the 2009 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting to find out how your advocacy efforts can make a difference in the field of rheumatology. Healthcare reform is moving quickly, and the ACR is working hard to ensure that Congress creates positive and effective healthcare reform.
Find out what you can do to help educate your elected officials on the importance of these issues and about other issues that impact you and your patients. The Advocacy Booth will have talking points on all ACR legislative priorities, up-to-date information on healthcare reform, and instructions on how to contact your members of Congress. You also can receive information on the ACR’s political action committee, RheumPAC. Stop by and find out what you can do to further rheumatology issues on Capitol Hill.
The Whos and Whats of RheumPAC
What issues does RheumPAC focus on?
RheumPAC focuses on the ACR’s top public policy priorities, which include:
- Healthcare reform;
- A permanent fix to the sustainable growth rate;
- Passage of the Arthritis Prevention Control and Cure Act (H.R. 1210/S. 984);
- Tier IV drug pricing;
- Passage of the Medicare Fraction Prevention and Osteoporosis Testing Act (H.R. 1894/S. 769); and
- Increased funding for arthritis research.
Who receives RheumPAC funds?