It’s also beneficial to review each committee’s current roster online ( to gauge the number of vacancies. This insight will help you understand the level of competition and manage your expectations accordingly.
Here is some background information you may find helpful.
Committees & Opportunities
- Collaborative Initiatives
- Communications and Marketing
- Corporate Relations
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
- Division Directors
- Education
- Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- Finance
- Global Engagement
- Government Affairs
- Journal Publications
- Pediatric Rheumatology
- Quality of Care
- Registries and Health Information Technology
- Rheumatologic Care
- RheumPAC
- Training
- Workforce Solutions
Application Questions
- Name
- Who are you nominating?
- Is this a self-nomination?
- What abilities and attributes will you bring to the board and/or committee(s) you selected?
- Please explain what interests you about serving on the committee(s) and/or board you selected.
- If you have volunteered for the ACR, Foundation or ARP, list the contributions you made for the committee.
- Please describe any other relevant experience that you believe would be beneficial to volunteer with the College.
- Please list any restrictions on your availability on nights and/or weekends to complete volunteer work.
- Do you feel there is any other information that the Nominations Committee needs to know concerning your nomination?
- Are you a current RISE registry user?
The Selection Process
Appointments to the Committee on Nominations
Members of the Committee on Nominations & Appointments are selected by the ACR Board of Directors. This committee comprises 11 members specifically chosen to represent diverse demographics including, but not limited to, practice setting, area of specialty, career level and region. The committee chair, always the immediate past president, serves a one-year term, and members at large serve two-year terms. The committee includes a member from the ARP, one from the Board of Directors, a fellow in training and a liaison for the DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) Committee.
All members of the Committee on Nominations & Appointments review all nominations submitted. Each member of the committee is then assigned to focus on two or three specific committees and, from the nominations received, they make recommendations to the full committee. The committee also reviews all nominations for ACR officer and member-at-large positions on the ACR Board of Directors.
Prior to the start of their work, all committee members are oriented to the duties and responsibilities of the committee and the importance of confidentiality. They undergo training on the nominations process and timeline, as well as on the software the ACR uses to manage nominations. They participate in a DEI session that reviews unconscious and implicit biases. All Nominations Committee members disclose any relationships they may have with a candidate and recuse themselves from the discussion and vote, when needed.