I’m just starting another practice in Longview, seeing a lot of patients well into their treatment—and sometimes puzzling about the diagnosis and rationale. One young lady in particular came in (without records, of course), presenting just such a puzzle, when what should I get but an article in The Rheumatologist regarding SAPHO that has me thinking, “This is what she has!” Thanks for the article. I might just be able to get a better plan for this patient because of it!
Nils Erikson, MD
Good Shepherd Medical Associates
Longview, Texas
Many thanks for having drawn attention of the ACR members to an “obscure condition,” SAPHO syndrome, that can vex patients and clinicians—and perhaps also of some obscure French colleagues who described this condition and, since 1985, have drawn attention to the course and associations of this syndrome.
Marcel Francis Kahn, MD
Department of Rheumatology
CHU Bichat Paris