Eric Butterman is a freelance writer based in Texas.
Letters to the Editor
Reader Feedback
I read with interest Sheri Polley’s report on Dr. Fohrman’s work in Tibet (November 2008, p. 26). Although I am quite touched by her account of the charitable work of Dr. Fohrman and his team, I am put off by her statement in the article saying that the young Tibetans graduated from Rokpa are not allowed to practice medicine by the Chinese. The Chinese medical system is no different from America’s in that only medical graduates from a state-accredited medical school can qualify for practice. They have to pass a state medical licensure exam like Americans do. Polley’s assertion creates a false impression to readers that Chinese somehow purposely oppress Tibetans in this respect. Having traveled to Tibet many times, I have personally witnessed the tremendous improvement of health care in Tibet. Like many other places in China, there is still much more needed to be done to help people there. Reporting in a reputable medical journal like yours about China and Tibet should strive to be fair, nonpolitical, and bias free.
Sean Tao, MD, PhD
Rheumatologist, Houston, Texas