Seeing the challenges her rural patients faced in accessing specialty care, Amanda Schnell, MD, was inspired to make advocacy an integral part of her work at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
The FDA has granted a seven-year marketing exclusivity for Octagam 10%, a 10% solution of a human intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) that treats adults with dermatomyositis.
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Pediatric rheumatologists and nephrologists appear to differ in their treatment choices for children who have lupus nephritis (LN), with rheumatologists more likely to prescribe rituximab, results of a small survey suggest. “This study highlights the importance of collaborative effort in developing CTPs (Consensus Treatment Plans) for pediatric LN,” the authors write in…
Rheumatology leaders are encouraged by continued implementation of E/M coding changes, telehealth flexibilities and rheumatology-specific MIPS Value Pathway, but have concerns regarding conversion factor reductions and the CMS EHR interoperability and digital quality measures proposal.
In 2015, the Department of Immunology at the University College London (UCL) rented a room above the King & Queen pub in London for a seminar series. Among the speakers was David Isenberg, MD, FRCP (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians), FAMS (Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences), who still serves as UCL’s academic…
Kelli Allen, PhD, believes strongly in the mission of AC&R, and as the journal’s new editor in chief, it’s now in her hands to carry that mission forward. Dr. Allen assumed the role on July 1, following the decade-long tenure of Dr. Hannan. “Everyone has been very generous with their time and the managing editors…
Marian Hannan Celebrated after 10 Years as AC&R Editor-in-Chief By Kelly April Tyrrell This summer, the 10-year tenure of Marian Hannan, MPH, DSc, as editor in chief of Arthritis Care & Research (AC&R), has come to an end. Kelli Allen, PhD, assumed the post on July 1. “Marian has done a fantastic job over the…
When the first SARS-CoV-2 case was recorded, it was difficult to appreciate the extent to which cybersecurity concerns, particularly in connection to the protection of patient healthcare data, would enter into mainstream consciousness. Although many practices and healthcare organizations have recently adopted additional measures to safeguard patients’ protected health information (PHI) through expanded cybersecurity monitoring,…