In the proposed rule released July 13, the ACR is encouraged by the continued implementation of evaluation and management reimbursement adjustments to better reflect the work and expertise needed to treat complex patient populations, the extension of many telehealth flexibilities and the inclusion of the ACR’s proposed MACRA MIPS Value Pathway for rheumatology.

Executive Order Targets Prescription Drugs & Health Insurance to Promote Competition
On July 9, U.S. President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order designed to promote competition in the U.S. economy. The order includes 72 initiatives related to various aspects of the economy, including prescription drugs and health insurance.1 For prescription drugs, Americans pay more than 2.5 times as much for the same prescription drugs as patients…

Steven Echard Shares ACR Collaborative Plans at Florida Society Meeting
At the recent Florida Society of Rheumatology meeting, ACR executive vice president Steven Echard, IOM, CAE, emphasized the role of collaborations with state organizations in the ACR’s plans to modernize and expand its activities and offerings.
2022 Proposed Rule for the Quality Payment Program Released
ACR staff have highlighted critical changes for the 2022 performance year outlined in the proposed rule released July 13 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Treatment Factors to Consider in Patients with JIA
Weighing treatment options and adjusting them to meet the needs of patients with JIA is a complicated process. Experts discussed factors influencing treatment options, optimizing treatment doses and possibilities for treatment withdrawal for these patients.

The Many Facets of JIA: Insights from Bench to Bedside for the Clinical Care of Patients with JIA
Experts provide insights into spondyloarthropathy, temporomandibular joint involvement and imaging for pediatric patients with JIA.
Guselkumab Promising for Psoriatic Arthritis with Axial Symptoms
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Guselkumab may be effective in patients who have psoriatic arthritis (PsA) with axial symptoms, a post-hoc analysis of data from two randomized controlled trials suggests.1 “Because PsA is a heterogeneous disease that manifests as various symptoms, treatment choices should involve consideration of all relevant domains of disease for each individual patient,” researchers…

Updates in Juvenile Dermatomyositis: Pathogenesis & Patient Care
Experts provided an update on juvenile dermatomyositis, discussing patient care, treatment options and the pathogenesis of disease.

More Equal Care: The Power of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Rheumatology
Diversity, equity and inclusion have implications for pediatric patient care and the rheumatology workforce.

Achieving Excellence in Pediatric Rheumatology Clinical Care
PRSYM—At its heart, the practice of medicine in all forms is specifically centered on delivering compassionate, thoughtful and evidence-based clinical care. In the world of pediatric rheumatology, a range of issues, such as chronic pain, reproductive health and transitioning to adult providers, are of utmost importance to patients and physicians alike. These topics were addressed…
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