JIA can manifest in a variety of ways. Experts discuss the implications of uveitis, systemic disease and lung involvement in sJIA.

JIA can manifest in a variety of ways. Experts discuss the implications of uveitis, systemic disease and lung involvement in sJIA.
Filip Van den Bosch, MD, described his strategies for caring for patients with SpA and the possibility of achieving disease inactivity.
Patients’ questions about pro- and anti-inflammatory diets can be challenging to address. Dr. Elena Nikiphorou provided insight into the latest research regarding the role of diet in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.
Marilynn Larkin |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Tocilizumab induced a slow and lasting remission after an ultra-short pulse (three days) of steroids in newly diagnosed giant cell arteritis (GCA) patients, a proof-of-concept trial shows.1 His early research on cytokines and glucocorticoids led Peter Villiger, MD, of Medical Center Monbijou, Bern, Switzerland, to find ways to reduce steroid use, he…
Reuters Staff |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—A six-month assessment of children with pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19 disease (PIMS-TS) show generally favorable outcomes, but also a range of lingering issues. Cardiac, gastrointestinal, renal, hematology and otolaryngology problems largely resolved at six months, but muscular fatigue and emotional lability were common. Long-term, serious end-organ damage occurred…
Philip Seo, MD, MHS |
Ralph C. Williams Jr. (Feb. 17, 1928–Feb. 2, 2020) was destined to become an artist. He started painting when he was 8 years old and never stopped. His journey, however, included a substantial career as a rheumatologist. After completing his training in internal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, he joined the Rockefeller Institute in…
Guy Katz, MD, Minna J. Kohler, MD, RhMSUS, & Marcy B. Bolster, MD |
Scrolling through your Twitter feed, a tweet catches your eye: “Great day. Helped anxious patient with poor health literacy understand and come to terms with #SLE diagnosis and agree to start treatment. #RheumTwitter” The tweet, by a well-intentioned physician who cared deeply for her patient, resonated with many others and has been retweeted more than…
Lisa Zickuhr, MD, Jason Kolfenbach, MD, & Marcy B. Bolster, MD |
Many practitioners can relate to the epiphany of Roy Basch, MD, the lead character in Samuel Shem’s satirical novel The House of God.1 During his first on-call shift as a medicine intern, long work hours combined with jaded advice from his senior resident leave Dr. Basch feeling disenchanted with the medical profession until he cares…
Leslie Kahl, MD, Sheryl Mascarenhas, MD, & Rachel M. Wolfe, MD |
Leslie Kahl, MD, on Coaching I have been an academic clinician-educator for my entire career and, like most of my colleagues, have been called upon to advise, mentor and coach countless trainees and junior faculty members. Unlike most clinician-educators, though, I also served as associate dean for student affairs at Washington University School of Medicine,…
Engaging in lifelong learning by maintaining certification has been a required method to confirm medical competence since 1933 through the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Established by the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians in 1936, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is one of 24 ABMS certifying member boards….