A 2019 study demonstrated the benefit of a newer drug class, PCSK9 inhibitors, to help lower cholesterol in patients with statin-associated immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy…
(Reuters Health)—Intravenous belimumab combined with standard lupus therapy can help preserve kidney function in patients with active lupus nephritis and cut the odds of death or a renal-related event by half, a phase 3 multinational study has concluded.1 After two years of therapy, 43% of 224 volunteers getting the drug monthly showed a renal response…
Linda Carroll (with a commentary from rheumatologist Eric Matteson, MD) |
(Reuters Health)—In a case series report, researchers describe rapid symptom improvement in three patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) when high glucose levels were brought down. After glucose was controlled, patients experienced improvement in both symptoms and laboratory measures of PMR without glucocorticoid administration or an increase in glucocorticoid dosage, according to the report in the…
Physical inactivity significantly affects disease burden and reduces the overall quality of life in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA), according to a study from Losina et al. The researchers calculated the total quality-adjusted life-years lost for U.S. patients with OA due to inactivity.
Evidence-based classification criteria for rare, hereditary, autoinflammatory fevers have been developed to aid clinicians in better understanding the differences between these rare conditions.
On Sept. 15, rheumatology advocates met virtually with members of Congress to share personal accounts of how telehealth is making a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic and what will help stem a workforce shortage.
The mother of a 15-year-old patient with juvenile idiopathic arthritis/enthesitis-related arthritis (JIA/ERA) called the office in tears. She said she was having an insurance problem. Her son had been a star track athlete when he developed severe back pain. Magnetic resonance imaging showed evidence of severe sacroiliitis. He was started on a tumor necrosis factor…
This summer, the FDA rejected a new drug application for filgotinib to treat RA in the U.S., but a European Medicines Agency committee issued a positive opinion, moving filgotinib closer to authorized use in the E.U.
The Year in Review session during ACR Convergence 2020 will address advances in clinical and basic science related to rheumatology, including drug safety, precision medicine, the COVID-19 pandemic and more.
For women with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), treatment with a combination of heparin and aspirin during pregnancy—rather than aspirin alone—may increase live birth rates, according to new research.