A study comparing trends in the incidence of RA from 2005 to 2014 with previous decades showed a shift in RA subset, suggesting the need for timely recognition of rheumatoid factor-negative RA…
A recent study compared three clinical criteria for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in patients using certolizumab, assessing the predictability of treatment non-response. Researchers found Clinical Disease Activity Index measurement at three months may predict patient outcomes at 12 months…
Top RheumPAC donors attended a virtual legislative update and Q&A with Rep. Ami Bera (D-Calif.) shortly after the release of House Democrats’ $3 trillion coronavirus response plan.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AMA House of Delegates meeting planned for June has been canceled, but the ACR’s delegation remains ready to advocate for both ongoing and new rheumatology issues, including patient protections in step therapy, prior authorization and expansion of telehealth.
At the Loma Linda University Medical Center, Calif., rheumatologists play a key consulting role for COVID-19 patients who may benefit from the use of biologic treatments…
With telemedicine platforms and Zoom calls, technology is playing a large role in how rheumatology fellows are seeing patients and participating in lectures and conferences…
Recent research examined the use of apremilast in patients with psoriatic arthritis using the Clinical Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis (cDAPSA) measurement. The findings suggest patients with moderate disease activity at baseline benefit most from the treatment…
In a matter of weeks, the COVID‑19 crisis has totally upended clinical medicine and the practice of rheumatology. Our old ways of seeing patients in person, precepting fellows in clinic or on the consult service, and leading in-person interactive teaching rounds are gone for now and possibly for good. But how can we replace these…