A collection of compelling interviews conducted with rheumatologists and rheumatology professionals focusing on their experiences thus far in the COVID-19 pandemic.
The outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 virus is disrupting patient care all over the world. In the U.S., many providers have had to adapt to new social distancing measures to care for patients, but struggles remain. Mark J. Sinnett, PharmD, FASHP, director of clinical and educational pharmacy services and director of the Center for Pharmacotherapy Research…
Looking beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, one practice has combined its telemedicine functionality with long-term workflow solutions, including telemedicine technology that integrates with its electronic health records system…
A quick shift to virtual teaching and patient care is just one of many changes rheumatologists at Duke University are adapting to during the COVID-19 pandemic…
Social distancing and telemedicine are creating unique challenges for pediatric rheumatologists to care for their patients—many of whom are 5 years old or younger. Sangeeta Sule, MD, PhD, discusses how her clinic is adapting…
Miller-Archie et al. set out to determine whether dust exposure and PTSD are associated with an increased risk of systemic autoimmune disease in a 9/11-exposed cohort not included in previous studies of members of the Fire Department of New York and whether this association differs between 9/11 responders and community members.
In response to the recently published clinical guidance for the care of adult patients with rheumatic diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic, the ACR is hosting a virtual town hall for the rheumatology community on Wednesday, May 6, at 7–8 p.m. EDT, to review the recommendations. Moderated by ACR President Ellen M. Gravallese, MD, and ACR…