Pediatric rheumatology patients present unique challenges. According to Kyla Driest, MD, MEd, using age and temperament appropriate methods, such as distraction or icing, may help children manage pain and ease anxiety…
NEW YORK (Reuters)—U.S. states have negotiated to the bitter end to keep health insurers selling Obamacare plans in every county next year, in some cases taking a hard-line to prevent exits that leave residents without access to health coverage. But states cannot rule out a last-minute pullout by an insurance company. Insurers must sign government…
How are comorbidities for RA patients managed outside of rheumatology? A recent Canadian study developed and assessed quality measures related to preventive care and screenings for RA patients in a primary care setting, comparing RA and non-RA patients. The results: Primary care physicians often provide similar levels of care to patients with and without RA. But RA patients were less likely to receive some cancer screenings and all necessary tests to assess their cardiovascular risk…
Patients who receive abaloparatide and switch to alendronate have a statistically significant reduction in fracture risk through 3.5 years, according to a new study…
Research in precision immunology is in its early stages. But new insights into cohorts, RA gene expression and infection presented at FOCUS 2017 may benefit future research and patient care…
A session at the FOCIS 2017 meeting examined the current challenges and understanding of chronic fatigue syndrome, also called myalgic encephalomyelitis, in the hope of stimulating new approaches to deciphering the disease’s mechanistic and immunological underpinnings…
Researchers from the AMP RA/Lupus Network came together in June at the annual FOCIS meeting to share their progress as they perform a systematic molecular deconstruction of human diseases…
WASHINGTON (Reuters)—The latest Republican effort to repeal former U.S. President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law faced possible defeat this week as several senators in the party voiced concerns about the bill under consideration. The U.S. Senate is up against a Saturday deadline for deciding the fate of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, popularly known as…
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Racial and ethnic disparities in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) incidence and prevalence are considerable, according to two new studies of data from California and Manhattan. “The most important finding of the population-based California and New York registries is the confirmation of the racial and ethnic disparities of SLE, with the highest incidence…
(Reuters Health)—About three in five older men with tiny spinal fractures related to osteoporosis reported new or worsening back pain in a new study. Only about one-quarter of new vertebral fractures are diagnosed by a doctor, the study team writes in their September 7 online report in Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, though the…