The ACR’s Advocacy 101 course will be held Sept. 24 in Washington, D.C. The course is an interactive, intensive, full-day opportunity for fellows in training and program directors to learn about and become inspired to advocate for the continued strength of rheumatology recruitment and support for education, research and clinical practice. Course applications will be…
Changes in BMI Associated with Improvements in Disease Activity & Glucocorticoid Treatment
A recent study examined the relationship between increased BMI and antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis treatment with glucocorticoids. The results: Weight gain was independently associated with reductions in disease activity, increased glucocorticoid exposure and randomization to rituximab. The most significant increases in BMI occurred during the first six months of treatment, and newly diagnosed patients were more likely to experience an increase in BMI…

Genes Connect Parkinson’s Disease to Autoimmune Diseases
A study has identified several common genetic pathways between Parkinson’s disease and autoimmune diseases. Specifically, researchers have used a genome-wide conjunctional analysis to identify 17 novel loci that overlap the conditions…
Being Active May Reduce Risk of Chronic Low Back Pain
(Reuters Health)—Regularly engaging in physical activity, from walking to intense exercise, may help to reduce the risk of chronic low back pain by, as much as 16%, according to a new review of previous studies. In the past, it hasn’t been clear whether physical activity staves off low back pain, or people without back pain…

ACR Honored as One of Atlanta’s Top Small Workplaces
Camaraderie, mission-focused work, encouragement and the freedom to innovate—for its employees, these are the characteristics that make the ACR one of Atlanta’s Top Small Workplaces…
U.S. Senate Health Bill Would Decimate Long-Term Care Coverage
CHICAGO (Reuters)—When Americans think about retirement planning, long-term care usually is a major blind spot – few of us want to contemplate the possibility of infirmity and dependency in old age. But we would do well to think about it now, as the Senate Republicans take a holiday weekend pause in their push to dismantle…
Stripping Americans of Health Insurance Could Be Deadly
(Reuters Health)—Health insurance saves lives—that’s the conclusion of a report released on Monday, just in time to weigh into the debate among Senate Republicans considering a bill that could strip millions of Americans of coverage. “Overwhelming scientific evidence shows that lack of insurance is sometimes deadly,” co-author Dr. David Himmelstein, a professor at the City…
U.S. Republican Leaders in Fierce Push for Senate Healthcare Vote
WASHINGTON (Reuters)—Republican leaders were in a fierce push on Tuesday to shore up support for a healthcare bill in the U.S. Senate after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said 22 million Americans would lose insurance over the next decade under the measure. Vice President Mike Pence is expected to travel to Capitol Hill on Tuesday…
Rituximab for Fatigue & Oral Dryness in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome
These researchers investigated whether rituximab, an anti-B cell therapy, improves symptoms of fatigue and oral dryness in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (SS). The multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial included a health economic analysis. There were no significant improvements in any outcome measure with rituximab except for unstimulated salivary flow. The study concludes that rituximab is neither clinically effective nor cost effective in this patient population…

Adenosine Treatment Promotes Cartilage Homeostasis
A recent study in mice examined the role of adenosine A2A receptors in joint health. Researchers specifically found that as extracellular levels of adenosine fall, individuals may become at risk for osteoarthritis…
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