To speed the development of tocilizumab to treat giant cell arteritis (GCA), the FDA designated it as a breakthrough therapy earlier this month…

To speed the development of tocilizumab to treat giant cell arteritis (GCA), the FDA designated it as a breakthrough therapy earlier this month…
Arthritis Care & Research |
Since 1999, 60 rheumatologists have received the Clinician Scholar Educator Award from the Rheumatology Research Foundation. These clinician educators have benefitted professionally from the award and have also dedicated themselves to the advancement of education. Most spend at least 30% of their time engaged in education, and awardees provide curriculum widely used in rheumatology fellowship programs…
Reuters Staff |
(Reuters)—The average premium for benchmark 2017 Obamacare insurance plans sold on rose 25% compared with 2016, according to the U.S. government on Monday, the biggest increase since the insurance first went on sale in 2013 for the following year. The average monthly premium for the benchmark plan is rising to $302 from $242 in…
Otulipenia is a recently discovered autoinflammatory disease caused by germline mutations, which results in dysregulated ubiquitination in patients. In a small-scale study, researchers used exome sequencing and candidate gene screening to identify three different loss-of-function mutations in the OTULIN/FAM105B gene in patients…
Lisa Rapaport |
(Reuters Health)—People with type 1 diabetes often develop other autoimmune disorders, such as thyroid and gastrointestinal diseases, and a recent study yields new information about this link. In the study, 27% of patients with type 1 diabetes had at least one other autoimmune disorder. But the new study also held some surprises about how early…
Reuters Staff |
(Reuters)—Health insurer Cigna Corp. has discontinued its policy of requiring doctors to seek authorization before treating opioid addicts, as part of a fight against an epidemic of opioid abuse, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said on Friday. The policy change will apply nationally, says Schneiderman, who has been pushing for easier access to treatments…
Reuters Staff |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Patients can develop rebound-associated vertebral fractures after stopping denosumab, a new report of nine cases shows. All of the patients were considered to be at low risk of fracture, and the fractures occurred within nine to 16 months of their last injection, Dr. Olivier Lamy and colleagues from Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland…
Will Boggs, MD |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Gene expression and chromatin accessibility can be used to identify two Crohn’s disease (CD) molecular subclasses that match distinct disease phenotypes, researchers report. “The hope one day is to be able to test Crohn’s patients for the subtype of the disease they have, and thus determine which treatment should work best,” Dr….
With Medicare and insurers now incentivizing physicians for collecting and reporting data, rheumatologists need at least a minimum understanding of the gigabytes of information flowing through their practices. Actually, every medical practice should have at least one person with some informatics expertise, according to computer-programmer-turned-rheumatologist Jeffrey Curtis, MD, MS, MPH. “Physicians need to be more…
At the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), volunteer leaders play an essential role in achieving the College’s goals in Advancing Rheumatology! This year, 64 new volunteers were appointed to serve on ACR Standing Committees. The College would like to extend a special thank you to these individuals who join other volunteer leaders in making a difference…