A simple fact about marketing: You could be the best in your field and offer top-notch services, but if no one knows who you are, what you do, or when, why, and how to see you, your business may struggle.
Summer of ’09 is Health Reform Time
This summer is an important time for healthcare. Congress and President Barak Obama’s administration are dedicated to creating comprehensive healthcare reform to ensure quality healthcare for all, while considering all aspects of healthcare delivery. Their goal is to create this legislative package this summer.
Coding Corner Question
June’s Coding Question
Coding Corner Answer
June’s Coding Answer
Coding MRI Procedures
The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) manual has six codes to bill for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the upper extremity.
We Are All in This Together
While rheumatologists in private practice face daily concerns regarding reimbursements and certifications, the Research and Education Foundation (REF) is working behind the scenes to help improve patients’ lives. Through its balanced core awards and grants portfolio, the REF supports education, training, and career development for the future academic workforce.
Pack Your Schedule with Noontime Clinical Reviews
This year, the ACR will introduce new programming at the ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting. One of the new highlights will be Noontime Clinical Reviews, which have been created to fill in the midday break from programming. These sessions will focus on reviewing clinical topics in rheumatology and will address practical issues relevant to practicing clinicians. Here is a list of the 2009 Noontime Clinical Reviews.
Unsafe at Any Dose?
Physicians must remember that all drugs have safety risks
ACR/ARHP and REF Strategic Planning
Where are we going and how are we going to get there?
Rheumatology Clinical Registry Debuts This Month
Web-based system will ease compliance with PQRI, benchmarking, research
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