Moving forward and reflecting back
Experts Debate Merits of Peripheral MRI in Diagnosing RA
New technology comes with a host of pros and cons
The Bone and Joint Decade at the 4/5ths Mark
Missions accomplished?
Cellular Therapy of Autoimmune Disease
Is a novel treatment breakthrough on the horizon?
A Regulatory Leader in Rheumatology
Jeffrey Siegel, MD: A rare combination of clinical scientist and regulatory collaborator
Medical Decision Making and Coding
In my years of coding for rheumatology, I am often asked this type of question: “I have a patient who recently came in for a visit. She had two or three diagnoses, was placed on three or four different medications, and we ran one or two labs on her. Does this qualify for a level-four visit?”
Coding Corner Answer
October’s Coding Answer
Let the ACR Help You Improve Your Practice
Today’s rheumatology practices face increasing internal and external pressures. Staffing effectiveness and efficiency, overhead increases, coding and billing issues, litigious employees, conflicts with colleagues, new competition, changing patient attitudes, new revenue constraints, and managed care contracting and compliance are just some of the pressures that constantly push practices to their limits.
Bridge Funding Award Keeps Researcher on the Path to Her Passion
On June 25, 2008, the American College of Rheumatology Research and Education Foundation received a letter from Sujata Sarkar, MD, one of the first recipients of the ACR REF/Arthritis Foundation Bridge Funding Award. In that letter Dr. Sarkar wrote, “I am very thankful to you … This award has come to me at a very crucial and vulnerable time in my academic career as a junior researcher.” The crucial and vulnerable time to which Dr. Sarkar refers is the time when she would need to search for alternative funding to pay for her rheumatology research career—or leave academia altogether.
I Am an Advocate
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” Cliché perhaps, but certainly fitting in describing the practice of rheumatology of late. We have been blessed with a widening array of therapies with which to treat rheumatologic illnesses. The advent of the biological era promises even greater potential for meaningful reductions in disability and death from these diseases.
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