This new MOC program will involve more frequent participation to meet the requirements. Physicians will be required to earn 100 MOC points every five years and to pass an exam every 10 years. An activity, regardless of point value, must be completed every two years; these points count towards the required 100 total.
All physicians not currently enrolled in MOC will need to sign in to the ABIM website by March 31, 2014, to activate their accounts to receive the updated status of ‘Meeting MOC Requirements.’
How Do I Enroll?
Along with the rollout of this new program, the ABIM is creating a new, personalized physician portal on its website. When you log into your ABIM account starting January 2014, you will see information for completing MOC that is specific to you. The new portal will show the appropriate next steps based on your current certification status and include links to both ABIM and ACR products for earning MOC points.
The ABIM now uses the term “activate” instead of “enroll.” All physicians not currently enrolled in MOC will need to sign in to the ABIM website by March 31, 2014, to activate their accounts in order to receive the updated status of “Meeting MOC Requirements.”
When you activate your account on the ABIM website, you will identify the certificate(s) you plan to maintain and pay the MOC program enrollment fee. You may choose to pay this fee at once or over a 10-year period. If you are currently enrolled in MOC, you will not owe any additional fees until your current MOC program enrollment expires.
What if I Am a “Grandfather”?
Grandfathers, or those with time-indefinite certificates, will remain certified but will be reported as “Meeting MOC Requirements” or “Not Meeting MOC Requirements” on the ABIM website. To be listed as “Meeting MOC Requirements,” you will be required to activate your account by March 31, 2014, pay the enrollment fee, and complete the program requirements. You will need to complete an MOC activity by December 31, 2015, earn 100 total MOC points by December 31, 2018, and pass the exam by December 31, 2023.
How Do I Earn MOC Points?
The two primary categories for MOC points are medical knowledge and practice assessment. Currently, physicians must earn at least 20 points within each of these categories, and this requirement remains the same in the new MOC program. New in 2014, physicians will also be required to complete patient survey and patient safety modules every five years. The patient survey and patient safety modules will carry point values and will be counted toward the required total. Points earned will apply to all certificates you choose to maintain.