Al Franken
Senator and advocate for the prevention and treatment of arthritis
Sen. Al Franken was awarded the 2013 Advocacy Leadership Award by the Arthritis Foundation for his activism on behalf of people who suffer arthritis. He has made a difference through his support of the Arthritis Prevention, Control, and Cure Act, as well as aspects of the Affordable Care Act that are significant to people with arthritis.
The award was presented during the foundation’s 15th annual summit in Washington.

M. Eric Gershwin, MD
Chief of rheumatology, allergy, and clinical immunology and Jack and Donald Chi Professor of Medicine at the University of California, Davis Health System
Dr. Gershwin was recognized with the first Vasco da Gama Award for Explorations in Autoimmunity by the Medinterna Association, an international organization dedicated to improving therapeutic strategies for immune system diseases.
Gershwin is well known for being the first to clone an autoantigen, dramatically enhancing the understanding of all autoimmune disease. His research focuses on primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), which is characterized by progressive obstruction of the bile ducts of the liver. By clarifying the pathology of PBC, Dr. Gershwin identified new treatment targets for the disease. His clinic provides cutting-edge therapies for PBC patients nationwide as his lab advances science toward a cure.
The award was given during the Medinterna Association’s 11th annual meeting, held on February 6–9 in Portugal.
Donald P. and Darlene V. Shiley Musculoskeletal Center
The musculoskeletal care facility at the Scripps Clinic will be renamed the Donald P. and Darlene V. Shiley Musculoskeletal Center after Donald and Darlene Shiley, who have been supporters of the betterment of care in the facility and the health of the community for more than 30 years. Darlene Shiley has committed $5 million to support advanced orthopedic care and research at the facility in order to centralize orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, sports medicine, podiatry, rheumatology, and research.
The Donald P. and Darlene V. Shiley Musculoskeletal Center will provide patients with access to a wide range of medical services in one convenient, specially designed location on the first floor of the Scripps Clinic Torrey Pines Anderson Outpatient Pavilion in La Jolla, Calif. The concentration of programs will give healthcare providers more opportunity to train medical professionals and focus on research.

Janet Woodcock, MD
Director of FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation Research (CDER)
The Arthritis Foundation (AF) presented Janet Woodcock, MD, of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), with the Floyd B. Odlum Making a Difference Award at the annual Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. for her dedication to making a difference in the lives of people and families affected by arthritis. Through her leadership at the FDA, Dr. Woodcock functions as an advocate for scientific rigor in drug approval and drug safety.