RheumPAC, the ACR’s political action committee (PAC), ensures that the ACR is involved in healthcare reform discussions. RheumPAC representatives have been busy attending fundraisers and educating key congressional members on the ACR’s legislative priorities.
RheumPAC supports Sen. Johnny Isakson: RheumPAC attended an event for Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) to thank him for his support and discuss healthcare reform. Sen. Isakson is a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee and a strong supporter of the Arthritis Prevention, Control and Cure Act (H.R. 1210/S.984).
RheumPAC supports Rep. Mike Thompson: RheumPAC hosted a dinner for Representative Mike Thompson (D-Calif.), where ACR members thanked him for his support of healthcare issues. Rep. Thompson is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and a co-sponsor of the Medicare Fracture Prevention and Osteoporosis Testing Act (H.R. 1894/S. 769). As a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, Rep. Thompson and his colleagues will be very influential in healthcare reform negotiations.
RheumPAC is the voluntary, nonpartisan political action committee of the ACR. It is the only PAC that directly represents the interests of rheumatology professionals on Capitol Hill. RheumPAC works to support and elect candidates who support rheumatology.
For more information, visit www.rheumatology.org/rheumpac or contact the ACR government affairs department at [email protected].