It is also important to get your patients involved. Encourage them to not only be active in their own care, but to be their own advocate. When doctors and patients come together, there are few policy goals that cannot be achieved. The ACR is here to help, and we are working on developing education materials to help patients better understand these complex issues and how they impact their daily lives. We have also developed a short guide to step therapy that shows what each state has included in their step therapy laws, with links to insurance department complaint forms, which can be used when payers are not acting in accordance with the law.
Finally, if there is any specific way that we can help you, or if you have suggestions for what we can do better, email our advocacy team at [email protected]. We are a resource for you, so if you have any questions, comments or suggestions we would love to hear them.
Joseph Cantrell, JD, is the senior manager of state affairs for the ACR.