Since its inception, the U.S. Bone and Joint Initiative (USBJI) has promoted excellence in medical education on the musculoskeletal system and diseases of the bones and joints. To meet this goal, the USBJI has embarked on a new effort called Project 1000. Project 1000 will identify 1,000 local champions of musculoskeletal education throughout the country, seeking at least one faculty member at every school, all contributing to a Community of Musculoskeletal Educators.
If you teach a subject related to musculoskeletal medicine (clinical, basic science or other) and consider this an important part or your professional life, please sign up.
By fostering a Community of Musculoskeletal Educators, Project 1000 can achieve several important objectives: sharing best practices, exchanging educational material, and connecting faculty for discussion, research and planning. Once Project 1000 has a critical mass, we will add resources recommended by members to the website for review and use. We will also invite you to contribute your own resources and to participate in online discussions about these topics with fellow educators.
We won’t ask you for dues; we won’t share your email with anybody; and we won’t send spam. We hope that you will join this community and please pass this request to other people at your institution to join us in this important enterprise.
Thank you,
David S. Pisetsky, MD, PhD
President, USBJI
Joseph Bernstein, MD
Chair, Project 1000
P.S. Please direct any comments and questions either to Dr. Bernstein at or Toby King, Executive Director, USBJI, at