RheumPAC is the ACR/ARHP’s nonpartisan political action committee (PAC) that works to elect and support pro-rheumatology candidates. It is the only PAC dedicated to the interests of the rheumatology profession. RheumPAC was created 10 years ago with the mission of electing and supporting federal lawmakers who understand and are in a position to support the issues that impact rheumatology care providers and their patients by educating legislators and their staff on rheumatology and the impact of certain proposed policies on the specialty.
Serving as a collective voice for ACR/ARHP members, RheumPAC creates the opportunities at events in D.C. and across the country to educate and develop relationships with members of Congress and candidates who steer healthcare policy. RheumPAC resources also allow ACR/ARHP to support champions for our policy priorities in bids for office or reelection campaigns.
Under federal law, an organization like the ACR/ARHP is prohibited from using general treasury funds to make contributions in connection with federal elections. However, the ACR/ARHP is permitted to form a PAC to allow members to legally and ethically participate in federal election activities collectively. A PAC is a separate financial account, made up of voluntary contributions from a group of people with a shared interest that can provide money directly to candidates for office.
PACs are regulated by the Federal Election Commission, to which it reports all contributions and disbursements. Only U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens who are members of the ACR or the ARHP may invest in RheumPAC. Members who do not qualify to contribute to RheumPAC may still support the ACR/ARHP advocacy efforts through the RheumPAC Advocacy Fund.
Don’t Want to Be Involved in Politics?
But you already are involved. Legislators consider policies every day that directly impact rheumatology providers and patients. And through RheumPAC, the ACR/ARHP has an invaluable seat at the table to share our members’ voice.
Your Help Needed Now
The ACR is leading the fight against proposed reimbursement cuts to evaluation and management services. Having champions on Capitol Hill is now more important than ever. Invest in rheumatology’s future today.