Applications are now open for the ACR’s Advocacy 101 program, held in conjunction with Advocates for Arthritis. Amanda Schnell, MD, describes how ACR/ARP members can learn to be successful advocates for rheumatology.
In the proposed rule released July 13, the ACR is encouraged by the continued implementation of evaluation and management reimbursement adjustments to better reflect the work and expertise needed to treat complex patient populations, the extension of many telehealth flexibilities and the inclusion of the ACR’s proposed MACRA MIPS Value Pathway for rheumatology.
ACR staff have highlighted critical changes for the 2022 performance year outlined in the proposed rule released July 13 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
ATLANTA—The American College of Rheumatology (ACR), in partnership with the Vasculitis Foundation (VF), released three new guidelines for the treatment and management of systemic vasculitis. Vasculitis is a group of about 20 rare diseases that have inflammation of blood vessels in common, which can restrict blood flow and damage vital organs. The three guidelines cover…
The ACR is accepting applications for this year’s Advocates for Arthritis event, which will be held virtually on Sept. 27–28. This annual event brings together patients and rheumatology professionals to advocate for our subspecialty on Capitol Hill. Applications are also open for the Advocacy 101 program, which provides advocacy training for ACR/ARP members. Apply today…
The Increasing Access to Osteoporosis Testing for Medicare Beneficiaries Act would set a $98 floor for Medicare reimbursement for the dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) bone density test.
Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes 99446–99449 were created in 2014 to capture the time spent by a consultant who is not in direct contact with the patient at the time of service. An interprofessional telephone/internet consultation (ITC) is defined as an assessment and management service in which a patient’s treating provider (e.g., primary or qualified…
The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act (H.R. 3173) will require the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to regulate the use of prior authorization by Medicare Advantage plans and establish a process to make real-time decisions for services that are routinely approved. Ask your Congressperson today to support providers and patients and join the more than 100 representatives who are co-sponsoring the bill.
As of April 2021, Medicare requires the use of the JA or JB modifier when billing for drugs that have one Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System Level II (J or Q) code but multiple routes of administration.