September’s Coding Answer
Articles by From the College
Study Groups: Where Information and Networking Mix
ACR study groups provide an excellent forum for networking at the ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting and are among the most highly sought-after sessions each year. Although study groups are not eligible for CME credits, they provide an opportunity for the exchange of new ideas and in-depth presentations of information. These groups give attendees the opportunity to discuss cases and share experiences with colleagues who share a common interest in one disease, a group of related disorders, or a specialized field of study.
Coding Corner Question
August’s Coding Challenge
Science from our Sisters
Recommended reading from AC&R
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease associated with frequent clotting in arteries and veins and fetal losses. The clotting results from the presence of proteins in the blood—called antiphospholipid autoantibodies (aPL)—formed against the person’s own tissues.
Key Grassroots Opportunity
Congress is in recess August 11 through September 5. During this time, members of Congress are meeting with constituents in their district offices, so this is a great opportunity for you to…
2008–2009 REF Award Recipients
The ACR Research and Education Foundation (REF) ensures the future of rheumatology by guaranteeing that there will be well-trained rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals to provide quality care to the patients who need it.
Do You E-Prescribe—or Just Think You Do?
You’ve bought an electronic medical record (EMR) with e-prescribing capabilities or stand-alone e-prescribing software and are enjoying the benefits of seamlessly writing a computer-generated prescription. Prescriptions are forwarded to the pharmacy where they enter the computer system exactly as they were sent. After all, that’s the benefit of e-prescribing, right?
Collect Co-pays, Deductibles, and Co-insurance Every Time
Do you know how many patients leave physician practices without paying their co-pays? The number is startling, and the cost for rheumatology practices is substantial.
Opportunities Abound at Annual Meeting
The 2008 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting will offer multiple opportunities for attendees to increase their knowledge of rheumatic diseases. New educational programs and returning favorites will give attendees multiple chances to enhance their education and make good use of their time at the meeting.