The new diagnostic code should streamline billing for treatment of nr-axSpA, better define the spectrum of spondyloarthritic diseases and enable new research strategies into these conditions.
Articles by Jill Sakai
2020 State Legislative Roundup: The Year That Could Have Been & the Year That Was
The COVID-19 pandemic and response disrupted state legislative sessions and agendas in 2020, leaving many ACR priorities unfulfilled and highlighting the urgent need for vocal rheumatology leaders in Washington, D.C., and state capitols.
Advocacy During a Pandemic: An Update from the Government Affairs Committee
Although the COVID-19 outbreak has shifted the focus and approach of advocacy efforts, ACR staff and the Government Affairs Committee continue to work on behalf of rheumatology providers and patients.
The Value of Measuring Value
In light of a new reporting framework that will be available in 2021, Lisa Suter, MD, describes the importance of quality measures for measuring value and improving patient care.
Rheumatology in a COVID & Post-COVID World
Jane’s* hands and wrists had been swollen and painful for about eight weeks. Lab findings in the ambulatory consult that came to our office revealed a cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody count >250 u/mL. We all know where this story goes, including how important the early treatment window is. Our clinic reviews all consults and tries…
Hundreds of Providers Use RISE for 2019 QPP Reporting
Hundreds of rheumatology providers are using RISE registry data collected from their EHRs over the past year for required 2019 federal reporting.
Coverage & Reimbursement Challenges: Updates from the ACR Insurance Subcommittee Chair
The ACR Insurance Subcommittee is working to address specialty pharmacy requirements for in-office treatments, elimination of consultation codes and other coverage and reimbursement challenges.
Washington Legislature Introduces Student Loan Forgiveness Bill
A bill introduced in January in the Washington Legislature would allow pediatric and juvenile rheumatologists to access the state’s loan forgiveness program.
Support Pediatric Subspecialty Loan Repayment to Boost Workforce Growth
Current legislation that stipulates a loan repayment program for pediatric subspecialists could help the pediatric rheumatology community attract trainees and meet patient demand.
State Legislative Update: Setting the Stage for 2020 & Beyond
In the new year, ACR advocacy staff will be working to advance bills to reform step therapy, prior authorization and more in state legislatures across the country.