Two new endowments gifted to the ACR Rheumatology Research Foundation aim to support and inspire the future of rheumatology and the innovative research that will one day benefit patients.
New clinical features, opinion pieces and much more—outgoing Arthritis & Rheumatology Editor-in-Chief Daniel H. Solomon, MD, MPH, discusses how the journal has evolved and where it’s going.
ACR Open Rheumatology Editor-in-Chief Andras Perl, MD, PhD, discusses his unique career and his approach to balancing basic and translational research articles with outcome-focused articles within the journal.
The most recent ACR/APLAR Research Exchange Program gave participants an opportunity to visit Singapore, learn from international research presentations and create connections with colleagues they may never otherwise have met.
At ACR Convergence 2023, experts addressed important topics in gout research, including treating and preventing gout flares, lowering urate levels and managing comorbidities, as well as racial inequities in gout treatment, disease burden and outcomes.