Noting that the pandemic has shifted what and how rheumatology trainees learn, Dr. Marston hopes the Committee on Rheumatology Training & Workforce Issues can work to understand current workforce needs and explore new educational opportunities.

Subcategories:AwardsCareer Development
Career Corner: Whether you're a new rheumatology fellow, an experienced academic rheumatologist, a researcher or a rheumatologist in private practice, you'll find resources in the articles here designed to help you at every stage of your career. You can find information on academic vs. private practice, how to navigate an employment offer, compensation models, noncompete agreements and even tips for selling your practice.
In addition, be sure to review the ACR's career resources: ACR CareerConnection and FIT Career Roadmap.
Noting that the pandemic has shifted what and how rheumatology trainees learn, Dr. Marston hopes the Committee on Rheumatology Training & Workforce Issues can work to understand current workforce needs and explore new educational opportunities.
The ACR has developed educational materials for healthcare providers to use to discuss reproductive health and contraception with their patients with psoriatic arthritis.
Patrice Fusillo |
During ACR Convergence 2021 in early November, the ACR and the ARP honored a group of distinguished individuals who have made significant contributions to rheumatology research, education and patient care. This month, The Rheumatologist profiles the winners of the ARP President’s and Merit Awards. ARP PRESIDENT’S AWARDS The ARP president can choose to honor ACR/ARP…
A key question many graduating rheumatology fellows face each year is: Are you interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine or in private practice? Although the two tracks are not mutually exclusive, it is true that juggling the demands of scholarly work, medical education and a busy clinical workload is by no means easy….
Jeffrey Siegel, MD, Assumes New Position as Director for New Office of Drug Evaluation Sciences at the FDA On Feb. 16, Jeffrey Siegel, MD, became the director of the recently created Office of Drug Evaluation Sciences at the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). The move, he says, “puts together many of the different things…
Kelly April Tyrrell & Gretchen Henkel |
Marian Hannan Celebrated after 10 Years as AC&R Editor-in-Chief By Kelly April Tyrrell This summer, the 10-year tenure of Marian Hannan, MPH, DSc, as editor in chief of Arthritis Care & Research (AC&R), has come to an end. Kelli Allen, PhD, assumed the post on July 1. “Marian has done a fantastic job over the…
In 2014, four rheumatologists formed a new organization to promote gender equity within the field. Today, the Association of Women in Rheumatology offers training and opportunities in leadership, business development, financial planning and more, as recently highlighted at its annual meeting Aug. 12–15.
Everyone wants to be accepted and feel like they belong. These are innately human traits, and they don’t go away when we leave the grade school playground, high school cafeteria or university quad. We want to feel safe and accepted at work, too, and that feeling is important to professional success and effectiveness. From a…
Engaging in lifelong learning by maintaining certification has been a required method to confirm medical competence since 1933 through the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). Established by the American Medical Association and the American College of Physicians in 1936, the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) is one of 24 ABMS certifying member boards….
Jessica R. Berman, MD, Juliet Aizer, MD, MPH, & Stephen A. Paget, MD |
Rheumatologists are natural teachers. As a group we are drawn to the mystery of making a diagnosis and enjoy passing on our fascinating and alluring detective game to students. Some of us extend our expertise to become clinical investigators or bench scientists, and others devote ourselves to the education of trainees and education scholarship. Similar…