Injectable abaloparatide is being evaluated in the U.S. and Europe to treat postmenopausal women with osteoporosis…

Injectable abaloparatide is being evaluated in the U.S. and Europe to treat postmenopausal women with osteoporosis…
By treating mice with antibiotics, researchers found that alterations in the gut microbiome impaired the mechanical properties of bone and depleted splenic B and T cell populations. The researchers suspect the decrease in bone strength resulted from the change in the immune system…
Megan Brooks |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Inpatient rehabilitation did not lead to better mobility following total knee replacement compared with a home-based program in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in Australia. The findings do not support inpatient rehabilitation for adults undergoing uncomplicated total knee arthroplasty, conclude the authors in JAMA on March 14.1 “Normally, one study is…
Shereen Lehman |
(Reuters Health)—A web-based program of exercise and coping skills training improves both function and pain in arthritic knees, a new study suggests. This kind of online therapy can greatly improve access to effective, nonsurgical and non-drug relief for people with osteoarthritis of the knee, researchers say. “Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of chronic knee pain…
Lisa Rapaport |
(Reuters Health)—Women with weaker thigh muscles may be more likely to develop knee osteoarthritis, a recent study suggests. Women with lower knee extensor strength were 47 percent more likely to develop knee arthritis than women who had stronger knee extensors, the study found. Weakness in the knee flexor muscles was associated with 41 percent greater…
Bone health in general, and osteoporosis in particular, is among the most common conditions seen in rheumatology practices. The ACR recently joined the National Bone Health Alliance (NBHA) to reach out to other stakeholders. “In 2004, the Surgeon General of the United States published a report on osteoporosis that discussed in depth the gaps in…
Anne Harding |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Members of the military and firefighters are at increased risk of osteoarthritis (OA), a new systematic review shows. “Osteoarthritis is more common in people who are tactical athletes, people who are firefighters and military service members, than it is in the general population,” Dr. Kenneth Cameron of Keller Army Hospital in West…
New research dispels the fear that denosumab will increase the risk of infection in vulnerable populations with rheumatoid arthritis when it is prescribed in combination with TNF inhibitors or other biologics. Investigators found the treatment did not increase infection risk beyond what is expected for the patients’ disease, comorbidities and medications…
Lorraine L. Janeczko |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—”Booster sessions” with a physiotherapist help older adults with osteoarthritis keep doing their exercises, a new systematic review and meta-analysis suggests. “There is strong evidence for the benefits of exercise for people with osteoarthritis or chronic low back pain. However, multiple studies have shown adherence to exercise declines over time, and the…
Rita Buckley |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Early or late mobilization after rotator cuff surgery appears to yield similar outcomes, according to a new meta-analysis. Dr. Bruno Fles Mazuquin from the University of Central Lancashire in the U.K., and colleagues conducted an overview of systematic reviews comparing the effectiveness of early and conservative rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair. The…