In this case report,a patient with voriconazole-induced periostitis exhibits classic symptoms&elevatedALPlevels, which quicklyresolvefollowingthediscontinuationofvoriconazole.
Alexandros Grivas, MD, Nikil Revuri, MD, Aleksandra Karaseva, MD, Basimah AlBalooshy, MD, & Andres M. Ponce, MD |
Here, we present a case of inflammatory cerebral amyloid angiopathy, discussing its diverse clinical manifestations, diagnostic challenges in view of recently proposed clinical-radiologic criteria and its management.
Donald Thomas, MD, FACP, FACR, RhMSUS, & Jason Liebowitz, MD |
“ANA’s are some of most commonly ordered tests but what exactly are they and what do you do with a positive ANA? Check out the Editor’s Pick for October to learn more,” says Physician Editor Bharat Kumar, MD, MME, FACP, FAAAAI, RhMSUS.
With more than 350 research abstracts on systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus nephritis and related conditions accepted for presentation at ACR Convergence 2024, we’re happy to announce that Graciela S. Alarcón, MD, MPH, has accepted the monumental task of reviewing the abstracts and identifying those most likely to make a difference to clinical practice or lead…
The newest ICD-10 code set went into effect on Oct. 1 and includes more than 400 new and revised diagnosis codes and headers. In September, the ACR also proposed a new diagnosis code that will undergo a public comment period and consideration for inclusion in a future update.
An ACR Convergence 2024 session will discuss strategies to educate patients about their disease and review the progress toward the concept of remission in gout to better guide physicians.