In the lead article, “Imaging in Ankylosing Spondylitis” (The Rheumatologist, April 2015), Dr. Pedersen states, “vertebral edges with MRI inflammation were three times as likely to develop new syndesmophytes than vertebral edges without inflammation (odds ratio [OR] 3.3; 95% CI: 1.5–7.4).” This statement is incorrect. An odds ratio of 3 does not imply that an…

The ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium: Rheumatologists Weigh in on Tough-to-Treat Cases, Paget’s Disease, Imaging
CHICAGO—A 49-year-old woman has had RA for eight years. She has a rheumatoid factor reading of 35, an aCCP reading of 160, erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 42, plus erosions. She has been on methotrexate. She tried etanercept for six months, but then it stopped working. She was on 40 mg of adalimumab weekly, but it…
Adverse Event Risk Data Drive Evaluation of Psoriasis Treatments
PSOLAR, the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry, is a multicenter, longitudinal, intercontinental, disease-based registry used to identify adverse events from commonly used psoriasis drugs.1 An evaluation of the risk of serious infection from systemic psoriasis treatments was recently published using data from PSOLAR. Ninety-three institutional review boards or ethics committees reported into the registry from…

The ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium: Experts Discuss Jakinibs, Osteoarthritis, Membranous Lupus Nephritis
CHICAGO—With the approval of the Jak inhibitors (i.e., jakinibs) tofacitinib and ruxolitinib—and others being investigated—rheumatologists need to arm themselves with an understanding of these drugs so they can think critically when evaluating them and deciding how to use them, said John O’Shea, MD, chief of the Molecular Immunology and Inflammation Branch of and scientific director…

The ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium: Stem Cell Therapy in Autoimmune Disease Evolution, Insights
CHICAGO—Stem cell transplantation for systemic sclerosis patients has come a long way over the past decade, with more finely calibrated dosing and better patient selection, said George Georges, MD, associate member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and associate professor in the medical oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle,…

The ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium: Patients with Scleroderma, Lung Disease May Benefit from Aggressive Therapy
CHICAGO—Scleroderma patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) might benefit from more aggressive therapy, an expert in the field said in a session on lung involvement in rheumatic diseases at the American College of Rheumatology’s 2015 State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium in May. Newer trials—the SERAPHIN trial on macitentan, GRIPHON on selexipag, and AMBITION on an ambrisentan/tadalafil combination—show…

The ACR’s State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium: Rheumatic, Malignant Disease Mimics Call for Diligence from Rheumatologists
CHICAGO—David Daikh, MD, PhD, professor of medicine at the University of California San Francisco and chief of the Rheumatology Division at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, said the overlap between malignant disease and rheumatic disease means rheumatologists should stay aware that more may be going on than just a rheumatic disorder. He made his…

Diagnostic Imaging in Patient with Atraumatic Left Shoulder Pain: History
Editor’s note: In this recurring feature, we first present a series of images (this page) for your review, and then a brief discussion of the findings and diagnosis. Before you turn to the discussion, examine these images carefully and draw your own conclusions. History A 56-year-old man with end-stage renal disease on peritoneal dialysis presents…

Diagnostic Imaging in Patient with Atraumatic Left Shoulder Pain: Findings
View the question. Findings/Diagnosis The AP radiograph of the left shoulder (see Figure 1) shows erosions of the proximal humeral and glenoid articular surfaces (black arrows) without joint-space narrowing. There is a well-defined marginal erosion with overhanging edge at the junction of the proximal humeral articular surface and rotator cuff insertion on the greater tuberosity (ellipse)….

Rontalizumab May Help Patients with Lupus & Low Interferon Signature
In a Phase 2 study, researchers found that rontalizumab was a more effective treatment in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus who had an interferon signature metric score lower than 1.
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