Treating children with rheumatologic diseases takes a unique approach. “You shouldn’t treat them as little adults,” says Gay Kuchta, OT, who works in pediatrics at the Mary Pack Arthritis Program at Vancouver Hospital in British Columbia. “They take special consideration.”
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Audioconference: Management of Fibromyalgia
Tremendous progress is being made in the area of fibromyalgia,” says Dan Clauw, MD, professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and moderator of the March 14 audioconference on the current management of fibromyalgia. “However,” he continues, “as in many fields of medicine, those who are not directly involved in fibromyalgia research and treatment are not aware of the progress that has been made.”
The Chimeric Self
Michrochimerism research offers insights into several autoimmune conditions
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Labored Breathing
Strategies to diagnose and manage dyspnea in the scleroderma patient
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