ACR & EULAR recommendations for the treatment of patients with rheumatic illness during the COVID-19 pandemic are explored…

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ACR & EULAR recommendations for the treatment of patients with rheumatic illness during the COVID-19 pandemic are explored…
An analysis of data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance registry shows that use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs did not increase the risk of hospitalization for COVID-19 patients with rheumatic disease, but steroid use did.
The ACR has developed two new clinical guidance documents for pediatric patients in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Will Boggs, MD |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—Two new reports in JAMA strengthen the link between SARS-CoV-2 infection and pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS). Pediatricians from several communities have reported children who developed fever and multisystem inflammation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some children were critically ill and some had characteristics similar to Kawasaki disease or Kawasaki disease shock syndrome….
ACR BEYOND LIVE—Among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), lupus nephritis remains one of the leading causes of mortality, and patients with both SLE and end-stage renal disease demonstrate standardized mortality ratios higher than 60 times that of patients with SLE who have normal kidney function.1 Although the ACR Guidelines for Screening, Treatment, and Management…
ACR BEYOND LIVE—Much, if not all, of rheumatology relies on clinical interpretation of historical, laboratory and imaging information to formulate a coherent diagnosis and treatment plan—even when such information is incomplete or has multiple possible interpretations. One of the best examples of this situation pertains to nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA), a condition that is just…
ACR BEYOND LIVE—A moonshot concept in rheumatology has long been centered on the question of whether autoimmune disease can be cured. A less frequently posed inquiry, albeit equally important, is: Can the onset of autoimmune disease be prevented in the first place? At the 2020 ACR State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium, Kevin Deane, MD, PhD, associate professor…
Lisa Rapaport |
(Reuters Health)—Patients hospitalized for a hip fracture are less likely to experience a subsequent fracture-related hospitalization if they start anti-osteoporosis medication sooner, a Taiwanese study suggests.1 Researchers examined data on 77,930 patients aged 50 years and older hospitalized for hip fractures, including 9,986 people prescribed anti-osteoporosis medications within one year of the index fracture. Compared…
Carolyn Crist |
NEW YORK (Reuters Health)—People with rheumatic diseases should continue their medicines, monitor their health and avoid stress when possible during the current coronavirus pandemic, according to a group of rheumatologists in South Korea.1 Because rheumatic diseases are linked with chronic inflammation and abnormal immune functions, patients may be at a greater risk for COVID-19 infection,…
In a multicenter, prospective, open-label study, ustekinumab therapy was effective in treating oral ulcers resistant to colchicine in patients with Behçet’s disease, according to study author David Saadoun, MD, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Immunology, Sorbonne University, Paris, and fellow researchers.1 Researchers focused on the topic because oral ulcers are often disabling, have…