Impact beyond lupus in U.S. Hispanics
Lupus Nephritis Guidelines in Progress
A preview of the upcoming recommendations
Patient-Driven Care
Lupus patient becomes international advocate for better education and care in her home country
Genome-Wide Association Studies of SLE
What do these studies tell us about disease mechanisms in lupus?
Family, Fatigue & Heart Health
Researchers explore several factors in the health and well-being of patients with lupus
When Steroids Cause Psychosis
Medical management of this side effect is complicated in rheumatology patients.
TNF Blockade for SLE
Reckless approach versus missed opportunity?
Mitigate Risk and Increase Success of Lupus Clinical Trials
Design strategies from a Lupus Research Institute conference
Sister Volunteers for Study to Find Answers
Strong family history make them good candidates for research
When Lupus Research is a Family Affair
Following sisters of SLE patients may shed light on risk factors and progression of the disease