Feedback From Our Readers
Immunizations in Immunocomprised Patients
Vaccines can help minimize certain diseases
Drug Updates
Information on New Approvals and Medication Safety
Drug Updates
Information on safety, labeling changes, and pharmaceutical research
Drug Updates
Information on safety, labeling changes, and pharmaceutical research
Drug Updates
Information on safety, labeling changes, and pharmaceutical research
Drug Safety
What can the ACR do?
Drug Safety Alerts: Moving Past the Pony Express to the 21st Century safety alerts.
Have you ever wondered why you are able to get up-to-the-minute sports scores, but it could take weeks to receive potentially lifesaving drug safety alerts? (And that is only if your front-office staff is able to separate the “Dear Doctor” letter from junk mail.)
FDA Enforcement Against Injectable Colchicine
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ordered companies to stop marketing unapproved drug products that contain colchicines in an injectable dosage form.
Science from our Sisters
Recommended reading from A&R and AC&R